Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apple Cider

I made the cider last week, but haven't gotten around to posting it until now... oops my bad.

After all was said and done, I had 500 grams of coarse pulp, 500 grams of fine pulp (first straining vs second straining, there was a distinct difference between them) and 2.5 liters of Apple Cider.

I had intended on spicing it by tossing in a cinnamon stick and some clove berries. But unfortunately I forgot about it until about 2 minutes into the canning process. I could have removed the jars and broken the seal. Though I wasn't sure if I would be able to use the lids again (One use only, they may not seal properly the second time and their dirt cheap). I didn't want to waste the lids so I just left them in the water until they were done being processed. Oh well, maybe next year.

The following is pictures of the haul this year.

ALL of these apples were from one tree in the city (the only tree to bear fruit for me)

These are all of the apples from my parents tree

5x500 mL jars were the total cider haul this year

Hard (course) pulp and Soft (fine) pulp, about 500 g each

Better lighting in this picture of the apple cider

Side shot to show the opacity of the juice!

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