Friday, August 20, 2010

Waffle Day

On an unrelated note, or maybe semi-related at any rate. Today I successfully pulled off the second Waffle Day at work. I brought in both of my waffle irons (twice as many irons as the first Waffle Day) along with a double batch of waffle batter from the The Joy of Cooking.

I had collected three other coworkers and we had agreed on a date to have the Waffle Day. I agreed to bring the irons and the batter as long as each of them brought a topping of some sort to put on the waffles. In theory this should have worked, but only one coworkers actually brought a topping (Aunt Jemima's). However, I brought some Strawberry/Raspberry Jam. Partially with the foresight that someone would forget, and partially because its really good jam!

I think the Waffle Day is starting to catch on and we will likely see more of them in the future.

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