Friday, October 1, 2010

Marshmallows - Follow up

I am finally able to post the pictures of the marshmallows and how they turned out. Aside from being squares and not cylanders, they turned out quite well.

I dusted the top so that it wouldn't stick to me as I worked with it.

Well, I know I said I was going to use the kitchen shears dusted in the mixture, but it was creating a jagged edge, was slow, and despite the dusting was starting to gum up my shears. I went with my trusty multi-purpose pizza cutter and never looked back. It gave straight cuts with a minimum of effort.

I dusted the edges so that the marshmallows would not stick to anything (me, themselves and other marshmallows).

That is all there is to making marshmallows, I am looking forward to making some Rice Krispie squares out of them!

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